Thursday, June 19, 2008

The big Question for "republicans"

SO... I have sooo many friends who keep telling me to "blog".

Ugh, I said... and still it seems too weird, too 'done'

But what the fuck. I guess we all eventually get cell-phones, too. Whatever.

I guess I write a lot, sometimes not for ages, but my restless mind always has something to spit out. Usually I annoy a large group of close friends with bulk-email rants about politics, dangerous america synthetic-food experiments, music and weird stuff from around the web/world.

I was finally inspired to BLOG when I was at radio shack the other day and the guy felt the need to tell me he's a 'republican'. I was buying one of those cans of 'air' to clean dust out of crevices.. he faux-warned me "Kids have been sent to the hospital lately from inhaling that stuff- Be careful!"...

So now I was concerned : like hey dude...should I be using this in enclosed spaces?? What do you mean??

No, no he explained -- these kids have been 'huffing' it, and blah blah thanks to the BLEEDING HEART LIBERALS we took the fluorocarbons out of there, I did a paper years ago on this, blah blah woof woof and that stuff was safe, but they....

"Wait A minute," I Said.."are you saying there aren't republican environmentalists??" And I started listing a couple of them.

I have a stock method with these guys. They usually fail my test when I ask about State's rights, Non-invasive gov't, small gov't...Welfare/Handouts to corporations etc.

So I segued right away to "What kind of republican are you" "what does that word mean" etc.
(the irony of making his living in a store filled with electro-crap made in COMMUNIST CHINA, I'll get to in a future post I'm sure...Way to be a patriot, dude)

SO....then I asked RadioShackMan if he would condemn the current admin.

"Of course-- this is horrible, the wasted money....the war...the bloated budget etc"

So-- here it is -- and why I was inspired to start this silly habit of writing as an exercise , so that 7 people can read it.

Here's the question I have for all so called REPUBLICANS and CONSERVATIVES who supported Bush for even one day.

Especially the ones who NOW condemn him and his insane team of n'er do wells.
Especially the ones who pile on NOW ..saying what a mistake he was; what a mistake they made..

I want to ask them - I want you to ask them -- WHAT EXACTLY DID WE NOT EXPLICITLY WARN YOU ABOUT, EIGHT YEARS AGO???? Didn't we rant PRECISELY that it was gonna end up like this?? Only a MORON would have missed the signs -- i.e. his lame-ass years as failed TX governor.

What exactly is there about Bush's horrible tenure about which we could we not say "I told you so"?

The environmental nightmares?? the nepotism, and handouts to family friends?? The gross mis-management of funds? The proud ignorance??

ALL OF THIS we told you about!! ALL of this was written down and Discussed in public. And you fools who supported him ---called it 'partisan bickering' etc. Well - serves you right. And I go to sleep knowing I am not leaving kids of mine in this mess.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey you talentless copycat nut.
I saw your show in SF at the GREAT AMERICAN Music hall and walked out.
Get a life you asswhole and leave.